

Alan Dixon is one of the first to qualify as an Enfocus Certified Solution Integrator (CSI).

A new initiative from Enfocus to assist end users and resellers to deploy solutions the CSI programme is controlled by Enfocus and will provide added value to their solutions and other products that can be configured with Enfocus SWITCH. To qualify for the CSI scheme, which is by invitiation only, individuals have to prove to posses a throrough knowledge of not just Enfocus technologies but other related products and processes.

There will be specialist CSI's for specific market verticals such as proofing, imposition, web to print etc

This programme is initially being rolled out in the UK and Ireland then globally.

As an Enfocus CSI Alan proves once again that his extensive experience is valuable and an asset to the company, as these services are already available directly to Workflowz clients.
Now other Enfocus users can also benefit.

Some of the CSI features:
Site Audits
Proof of Concepts
Solution Development
Project Documentation

Enfocus CSI Certified Solution Integrator
The consultancy programme offers a new platform for the Certified Solution Integrators to share their experience across a wide range of users, says Enfocus. They can be engaged through the customer’s preferred Enfocus reseller.

‘Because of the extensive experience of CSI's and the flexibility of Switch, most CSI integration projects are well within the budget range for small to medium-sized businesses,’ said Enfocus. Average engagements are likely to be three to five days, but they can also be effective in a one day engagement focused on expanding an existing Switch installation, it added.


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