
Publishers and ad agencies/ studios use YEMO Traffic to streamline their ad production and other creative productions such as brochures, posters, flyers, on-line materials, etc. Our fully web enabled solution supports location independent ad production. Often this solution is used in
combination with Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) to India or other countries for theproduction of ads. It is a tremendous business case for any publisher or studio.

YEMO Traffic is an end to end creative production workflow system with functions such as managing orders, task preparation, dashboard to monitor progress, digital briefing, soft proofing, deadline management and asset management

.Yemo Traffic

Yemo Traffic - Streamline your production

Yemo Traffic

Users of YEMO Traffic are typically :

  • Designers to retrieve the data for production and store the final file produced.
  • Sales to manage their ads – location independent – by adding materials, creating briefings and review the final ads.
  • Traffic management for managing the production process.

Yemo Traffic

Redefining the way publishers work

Orderlist – Order Management
Orderlist is the main interface in which all orders and materials are managed. Orders can be
automatically updated from the ad booking
system or can be entered manually.

All relevant information about the ad is displayed in the order details screen. In this screen the user (traffic, sales, project management) can add logos and archived materials from the database directly or pick-up materials from his desktop. All collected materials for an advertisement are viewed in easy to access tabs.

The tasklist is the interface for the ad designer to download the materials to his desktop, upload the final results and enter the time spent on producing ads. When uploading the ad, it will be preflighted. In case of issues with the PDF, the designer can resolve them directly.

Soft Proofing
In the visual proofing stage the user van can give feedback about the ad using the proofing tool. The instructions are saved in HTML. Functions supported are for example move object, resize object, delete text, replace text and insert text.
All ads produced are stored in the database and can be used as reference for new ads.

Digital Briefing
Instead of using hand scribbled notes, YEMO has added the possibility to make briefings via a digital briefing tool. Here it is possible to use an archived ad as the basis to indicate changes.

Logo database
Manage logos on a client level or brand logos on a generic level.

The main overviews are shown and managed in order list. Additionally we show:

  • Main overview with all ads in process.
  • Overview of ads sorted per date.
  • Average ad production times for a selected period.
  • Number of ads that were sent back to designer after proofing stage.

Number of ads that received images with insufficient resolution.

Publication Plan for Deadline Management
In publication plan it is possible to manage per individual publication the deadlines for the
production stages. It enables you to structure your process with all participants involved.

Movie Review Tool
With the movie review tool Flash animations or movies can be reviewed. Comments can be given per separate frame. Very easy to comprehend!
On top of YEMO Traffic a self service portal for the advertiser – using the internet as a sales channel - is available (YEMO Adspace). In
addition YEMO Copyspace (online WYSIWYG tool for editing of InDesign documents) can be integrated into the workflow: text corrections and/ or ad design.


Making Communication More Efficient
YEMO facilitates efficient communication across the organization: setting up tasks, to-do lists, automated notifications, order management, communication with pagination / printer, interactive dashboard and quick communications summary on tasks and actions. YEMO simplifies communication. Excellent for sales force efficiency.

Connecting Legacy Systems
With its flexible architecture and interfaces YEMO is able to connect to many different systems, old and new, creating an umbrella, which can be used while giving the user a modern state-of-art user interface.

Rich Functionality Fast Implemented
The standard YEMO implementation deals with most common tasks of a publisher and will not require customization other than configuration. Just in a couple of days the basic interfaces are set up and the first productions start.

Managed Workflow and Increased Efficiency
YEMO is a structured traffic management environment where workflows are efficiently tracked and traced. These managed workflows and other productivity tools save time and enable organizations to make highly informed and timely strategic decisions, thus saving money.

Location Independent Production
YEMO interfaces are entirely browser based and as such they enable location independent production. Participants from inside or outside your organization. Locally or abroad.
YEMO ensures that people can collaborate wherever on earth they are.


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